This was a great post from MetLife Auto and Home and Tague Alliance felt that it was worth sharing:
Focus on Retention
As you enter the New Year, take some time to reflect on ways to improve your business model in the coming year. This may include expecting more than others think possible. One area of critical importance is customer satisfaction. Ask yourself, “Is your client the most important person on the premises?” A few simple steps can start you down the road to improved customer service.
5 Simple steps that can make a difference in your retention (by Larry Moffett)
Review your agency's 3-year retention numbers
This simple act will give insight on how your customers view your agency. Is your retention level in the 90 percent range or in the 70’s? The lower the retention percentage, the more probable customer satisfaction is an issue. Often, when we think about customer satisfaction, we think in terms of “over the top” service. That’s great, and a worthy goal to strive for. But, “over the top” service probably won’t happen in most agencies on a consistent basis. What is possible and attainable is for the agency to render service that will resonate with their clients. Generally, this can be achieved with little or no investment. Customer satisfaction is achieved not through programs, but by changing behaviors and attitudes. Customer satisfaction increases when agencies intentionally focus on areas that truly resonate with clients. Educating front-line staff—training and coaching them to adopt skill sets that resonate with customers—pays big dividends.
Determine how your agency measures up
Reliability - if the level of service dependable? Are the clients' concerns addressed and questions answered in a reasonable timeframe?
Assurance - does the service build confidence?
Empathy - do the people giving the service communicate they care?
Responsiveness - are customers needs uncovered and addressed?
Tangibles - pay attention to the things your customers see and feel. Do staff and surroundings appear professional and inviting?
Take control of factors that can influence customer satisfaction
Multi-policy: Customers who have more than one policy with the same agency/company, such as auto and homeowners insurance, are more likely than clients with mono-line policies to be satisfied with their policy offerings. “Bundled clients” renew policies at an 11 percent higher rate than “single policy” clients.
Get it right the first time: Customers are more satisfied when they only have to contact their agent once to resolve an issue. Satisfaction declines significantly with each additional client-initiated contact.
Return calls: When call backs to clients are required, agents who call back as promised get consistent high satisfaction ratings.
Time is critical: Clients who file physical damage claims expect prompt service. Same-day response to the first notice of an accident, followed by a settlement within a week and repairs completed within two weeks, characterize best practice. Some data suggests satisfaction with claims handling drives 44 percent of the overall impression of the insurer.
Policy reviews
Clients who have their policy needs reviewed each year report satisfaction levels that are significantly higher than those who do not. Customer surveys reveal that nearly half of those surveyed report that they have not been offered an annual policy review by their agent. Unless a customer files a claim, offering the client a “risk review” is one of only a few opportunities an agent has to build trust with the customer. Otherwise, the sum of their interaction is limited to paying their bills and reviewing periodic policy changes.
Stay focused and enjoy the benefits
High levels of customer service mitigate price; good service helps shift the focus away from price. Our friends in retail learned long ago that the better the service, the higher the prices they can charge for their products. The bottom line is that happy customers directly equate with agency financial performance. Every customer lost has an impact on the bottom line
Tague Alliance is focused intently on R.P.G. - Retention, Profit, Growth! Growing is made much more difficult when your agency retention is lagging. For every client and policy that you keep, it is one less that has to be found, quoted, and sold.